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Saturday, May 28, 2011

My attempt at the blogosphere

            Now, lets start this thing off with a little explanation as I am a person full of disclaimers and clarifications along with other adorable idiosyncrasies and unsaid rules of engagement including run on thoughts and sentences.
            Why do I call my blog How do you eat an elephant?  If you know me, you are probably saying inside your head "typical" because you may know that I am not an animal person, you may even say to yourself "she's not an animal person, of course she wants to eat them".  And although I do eat animals along with many other things, and I don't particularly seam to like animals, I must make something very clear right now.  I don't like animals as pets or companions.  Not to say I think other people should follow suit.  It is just that I am wired to not understand how they think and therefore have very little ability to communicate with them, I also find the hairy ones to be a bit annoying.  I do however, think the animal kingdom is a vast and intriguing part of this world; and indeed, love to watch and learn from them since they seam so very capable of the things they individually and communally do.
            So, this only perpetuates the begging to answer these questions.  How do you eat an elephant? One piece at a time.  And why this as the almighty tittle of my blog? Because it has the same answer to How do you fix the problems of the world? Just then I wanted to say because it has the same answer to How do you save the world?  But I think that is a little melodramatic and yes our earth is in dire straights (love that band) but it is a bit egocentric to think the world needs saving, if it did need saving it would not be from a meteor or aliens or some outside force but within our biosphere, it would need saving from us.  And since we are part of the earth, then it would need saving from itself.  And that might be apropos to the point of this blog since we need a little saving from ourselves, but let us keep it light and merely say: Because it has the same answer to How do you fix the problems of the world? One piece at a time.  So here are the rants of my one piece at a time.
            A wee digression (scientist love to digress and even more so love to say "but I digress").  I have recently wanted to write a book.  "About what" you converse, I don't know I reply, just thought that might be a nice bucket list item.  But the brevity of writing a book overwhelmed me.  So I ask myself How do you write a book? One blog at a time.

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